






  • 5K Goal! 20% 20%

About This Campaign

Due to the nature of non-profits such as AFO the realization is it takes money to do God’s Work. Whether it’s traveling to Africa to teach in a Bible College, Insurance for Disaster Relief truck and equipment, wiring money to Ecuador for our iReach program, the list could go on and on of the many expenditures AFO has on a weekly, monthly and annual basis. Through people like yourself along with churches and businesses AFO can continue to take the Whole Gospel to the Whole World! Will you please consider helping be a part today of this vital mission?

Personal Message

God has called us to carry His message of love and of  hope and forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ to the Ends of the Earth. If it was not for generous givers like yourself we simply could not accomplish the work God has called us to. This is why we need your help. In the short 4 yrs since AFO was birthed we have seen over 500 short- term missionaries mobilized locally and abroad. 15 children are currently being discipled in the Country of Ecuador on a weekly basis. Our disaster relief team has responded and provided relief to countless victims of Natural Disaster in West Virginia, Texas, SC and more. I personally have spoken to and challenged thousands of people towards Gods call of missions and salvation through speaking engagements and more opportunities that God has provided to us. Would you prayerfully consider donating your best gift today to help us continue this vital work of helping proclaim the message of Jesus Christ. May God bless you as you do!

Until All Have Heard,

Michael Anderson

President &CEO, All For One Ministries


To be 1 of 5 People To Donate $500 to Help AFO-GO!

  • Goal is 5!


To be 1 of 5 To Give $250 to Help AFO-GO!

  • Goal is 5!


To be 1 of 15 to give $50 to Help AFO-GO!

  • Goal is 15!


To be 1 of 25 People To Give $20 to Help AFO-GO!

  • Goal is 25!

AFO Teaching at Ambassador International University in Zambia, Africa

AFO Teaching at Ambassador International University in Zambia, Africa 

AFO Missions Trip to our Nations Capital Where the Team Prayed with Congressman Ralph Normam

AFO Missions Trip to Myrtle Beach, SC

I’ve had the privilege to see first hand the heart of AFO values in action.  From seeing the pure joy when visiting an Ecuadorian girl in the iReach program, or tears when praying with a homeless couple after sharing the gospel on the boardwalk in Myrtle Beach, to hand delivering much needed food supplies to a group of boys in an African orphanage; the impact is real.  AFO is about making long term gospel and financial investments into all people locally and around the world.

Bobbie Faulkenberry

AFO-iREACH kids in Ecuador receiving gifts and letters from their sponsors back in the States.

AFO Worship Service 

AFO-County Wide Disaster Relief and 18 Wheeler for Hurricane Harvey Victims in Texas.